HIZ bid meeting Q & A
Q: Does the 12-mile shaded fuel break involve 12 uninterrupted miles of tree work.
A: No. The project covers private land only. The national forest has been working to create a shaded fuel break on government land.
Q: How will the slash be managed?
A: Beulah Fire crew will be managing the slash that comes from these projects. Contractors will be responsible for construction of slash piles for burning or chipping, or moving slash to a trailer for Beulah Fire crew to dispose of.
Q: What license is required to bid on the projects.
A: A Colorado State Business license is required
Q: Is the project being managed by NRCS or USDA?
A: The project is being managed by Beulah Fire Department following the State of Colorado Forestry Guidelines.
Q: How do we work in areas that are too steep to access?
A: The project manager will work with contractors to identify unsafe working zones.
Q: How is funding reimbursed?
A: Invoices should be submitted at the end of the month for work completed. Payments will be issued within 10 days.
Q: Is a contractor required to bid on the entire project or are they permitted to bid on sections of the work?
A: Contractors may bid on the project as a whole or they may submit bids on specific zones they are interested in.
Q: What is the estimated total acres to be treated?
A: The total acres is estimated to be 110 acres
Q: The Qualifications and Regulations states that a minimum crew of 5 persons is needed to bid. Why is that?
A: This minimum crew number prevents single persons from bidding on a project of this magnitude to be completed within the time frame allotted.
Q: Within the HIZ there will exist combustible materials which should not be in the zone (i.e. firewood stacks, vehicles, fuel tanks, grills, under deck storage of combustibles, etc). What is the responsibility of the contractor to remove these personal items within the HIZ in order to meet the state standard?
A: It is the homeowners responsibility to harden the structure as well as remove personal items that inhibit the scope of work to be done.
Q: Can contractor request these items be removed by landowner prior to our crew working?
A: Yes, the contractor may make this request.
Q: Many HIZ items are not one and done tasks, but require regular management/maintenance (even within the 5 year term of this contract). Will mowing and re-growth type items be responsibility of contractor?
A: Once the property is mitigated it will become the landowner’s responsibility for ongoing maintenance, not the contractors.
Q: In other words, Once a property is worked and deemed complete will contractor have any responsibility of re-work or call backs?
A: Once the property is mitigated it will become the landowner’s responsibility for ongoing maintenance, not the contractors.
Q: Will contractor be required to work on the structure/home itself or just the ground around? This is not specifically listed in the scope of work as a task, but is within the state standard to achieve defensible space? (i.e. clear roof, gutters, decks from debris?)
A: The contractor will NOT be responsible for any upgrading or work on the structure, just the ground around each structure. It is the homeowners responsibility to harden the structure.